Luc Chatel: “The auto industry will play its survival in the coming years”

Remember that ten years ago, the French automobile almost died. The industry has recovered thanks to considerable efforts to adapt to globalization, to improve competitiveness, innovation and employee skills. Today, we have two major manufacturers and four global equipment manufacturers. But the sector will play its survival in the coming years on its ability to take the turn of the electrified vehicle, autonomous driving and new mobility services. These revolutions will completely change the deal and the value chain. This forces actors to work horizontally.

Today, we are achieving very strong mutual commitments. It was not won. The ecosystem must work with a shared vision of the future, in a relationship of solid trust between the state and industry. France was a great automobile nation in the twentieth century, it can be among the leaders of mobility of the 21st century.

It is necessary to reconcile the environmental agenda and the durability of the automobile industry. The industry is committed to market five times more electric vehicles by 2022. In return, the state has promised to increase the number of charging stations available to the public to 100,000, and to give the visibility to the bonus system malus favorable to electric vehicles. It’s a real deal with the state. We will make the environmental agenda a growth driver for the automotive industry.

Our mission is to anticipate all technological changes and their effects on the evolution of jobs and skills. The industry is in demand for collective work on the subject. The sector, industry and services must recruit 65,000 employees, including 9,000 engineers, per year in the coming years. The needs have evolved, there are many new jobs and we will work continuing education and apprenticeship by job pool.

In particular, we need to help potential companies to take an extra step. The bpifrance accelerator will be there to help them set up abroad, respond to large tenders or improve their industrial methods. The contract includes an important component on strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in the sector.

The Automotive Futures Fund has been reactivated. The scheme will be endowed with a budget of € 145 million, shared equally by Renault, PSA and the State. The main purpose of the fund will be to take stakes. Nor is it forbidden to provide investment aid.

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