End of 35 hours, negotiations open at PSA factory in Vesoul

The bargaining meeting will open Tuesday, May 29 at 1:30 pm between the management of PSA Vesoul and the trade unions.

In mid-May, the management proposed a local agreement to increase the actual working time by 7.8%, from 7 hours to 7 hours 33 per day, or from 35 hours to 37 hours 45 per week. Employees will benefit from a 2.8% increase in wages.

The project was presented to the Social and Economic Committee (ESC). 3000 people work on the Vesoul site specialized in spare parts.

PSA: the CGT denounces downsizing and increased working hours in Vesoul

The CGT demands the outright withdrawal of this local agreement. Increasing the working time by 2:45, this could represent 124 potential jobs. The union fears that this agreement certainly local, does not work in other factories of the car group.

The CFDT asks for wage negotiations with at least 3.5% increase to compensate for the increase in working time. The CFDT also calls for hiring on permanent contracts, the end of outsourcing, and investments on the Vesoul site.

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