PSA boss Tavarez expects to hit the black by 2020

It starts troubled time for Opel. CEO Karl-Thomas Neumann is on the go, and the future head boss Carlos Tavares calls a clear deadline for the jump into the profit zone.

Opel-Werk in Kaiserslautern

Opel plant in Kaiserslautern

Monday, 12.06.2017
11:25 clock

The car manufacturer Opel must after a Acquisition by the French PSA Group quickly head for the profit zone. PSA boss Carlos Tavares affirmed in the discussion with the “Frankfurter general newspaper” its requirement that Opel by 2020 at the latest. The plan was to submit the Opel management within 100 days of the takeover and then implement it. This could be implemented according to “FAZ” on 12 September, the beginning of the IAA Motor Show in Frankfurt.

He relies on the existing team at the restart, said Tavares. “All executives are invited to join me, they just need to know that things can not last.” The expected departure of Opel boss Karl Thomas Neumann commented the PSA-Boss only indirectly. Everyone has to make their personal decision, he said, according to the newspaper.

Opel should be as German as possible to complement the other brands, said Tavares. He sees savings potential particularly in purchasing, sales and export. Employment guarantees for the approximately 38,000 Opel employees but he declined beyond the 2018 ongoing collective bargaining agreements. “You have to be open and honest: the only thing that protects employees is profit.”

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