PSA boss demands half of the Opel purchase price – at least

PSA boss Tavares feels ripped off by General Motors. Because of the dirty Opel engines, the carmaker was worth much less. Now the French want more than half a billion back.

Opel-Stand auf der IAA: Hier der neue Grandland X

Jürgen Pander

Opel stand at the IAA: Here is the new Grandland X

Wednesday, 29.11.2017
18:10 clock

Four months after the purchase of Opel wants the French carmaker PSA Peugeot Citroën from the previous owner General Motors According to insiders, about half of the purchase price have again. Owing to the high CO2 emissions of Opel, which could lead to high fines in the face of stricter exhaust emissions targets in Europe, the French demand more than 500 million. The news agency Reuters learned from privy circles. An insider even spoke of a sum between 600 and 800 million euros. The French carmaker had paid about 1.3 billion euros for Opel. PSA and GM refused to comment.

Two insiders said that PSA was wrong, what Opel Flue gas strategy. The French had told GM that they intend to reclaim more than half a billion. Corresponding legal steps are intended. The two companies had spoken about the PSA complaint. The legal process has not yet been taken.

PSA boss Carlos Tavares had said at the beginning of of November, that the losses writing for years Rüsselsheim carmaker “in a dramatic situation” was and it is currently unable to meet the target of 95 grams of CO2 per kilometer. This would mean severe penalties as things stand today. The EU Commission had recently demanded a further reduction of the limit values ​​by 30 percent by 2030 in order to avoid the carmaker to force more climate protection.

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