Prevent wants to increase prices tenfold, VW wants to quit: In the dispute between VW and supplier Rambo Prevent court sees no reason to hurry

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Prevent wants to increase prices tenfold, VW wants to quit In the dispute between VW and supplier Rambo Prevent court sees no reason to hurry

Prevent: Preise für VW verzehnfacht, Kündigung nicht akzeptiert


Prevent: Prices for VW increased tenfold, termination not accepted

In the dispute over terminated contracts between Volkswagen and a supplier of the Prevent Group, a substantive decision has been postponed. The district court Dortmund rejected on Wednesday an application for injunction of the Prevent subsidiary TWB based in Hagen against VW and the subsidiary Audi.

The judges saw no reason to decide by express procedure, said a spokesman for the court. There was still enough time until the termination date at the end of March 2019.

VW accuses the manufacturer of seat backs an inappropriate price increase and has terminated the contracts – including for the subsidiaries Audi, Seat and Skoda. By contrast, Prevent wanted TWB to proceed with a preliminary injunction.

Prevent: The Rambo supplier attacks again

For the disputes between Prevent with Seat and Skoda one is also locally not responsible in Dortmund, the judges decided on Wednesday. Thus, in the dispute with Seat, a court in Barcelona is responsible. In the case of Skoda, the district court of Dortmund referred the action further to the colleagues in Hanover.

Background is a long-smoldering dispute between the auto giant Volkswagen and the Bosnian supplier Prevent, For years VW has dictated prices to its suppliers, now Prevent tries to turn the tables.

According to information from, the dispute has long since reached the upper management levels in Wolfsburg and should have contributed at least to the fact that a powerful purchasing manager may well be denied promotion to the Group Executive Board. The current Zoff has a long history – Everything important to the dispute between Volkswagen and Prevent read here,

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