Quote reached by 86 percent: VW meets “Dieselgate” preferences prematurely

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Quote of 86 percent achieved VW meets “Dieselgate” specifications prematurely

Glänzt wieder alles bei VW in den USA? Noch ganz, doch die meisten vom Dieselskandal betroffenen Fahrzeuge hat VW in den USA aus dem Verkehr gezogen oder das Problem mit neuer Software gelöst


Everything shines again at VW in the US? Still quite, but most vehicles affected by the diesel scandal VW has withdrawn from the US or solved the problem with new software

Volkswagen has its specifications for the compensation program for US customers whose diesel cars from exhaust scandal affected can reach it prematurely. By repurchasing, leasing and repairing, the Group has already withdrawn 85.8 percent of all compromised diesel cars in the United States or eliminated the illegal exhaust technology in them.

This emerges from the most recent of the status reports, which are regularly published in the course of the billion-dollar comparisons with US class-action plaintiffs by the competent court in San Francisco. The diesel scandal has cost Volkswagen so far more than 20 billion euros.

VW had to agree in the agreement with the US plaintiffs to bring to mid-2019, at least 85 percent of about 475,000 affected by the scandal car with 2.0-liter engines from the road or convert it into legal condition. Otherwise, additional penalties would have threatened. This goal has already been achieved.

Later, however, just under 80,000 larger models with 3.0-liter engines were added. A large part of the vehicles had to be bought back, many cars will be stored in huge parking lots until further notice. VW acknowledged in September 2015 that it had systematically manipulated nitrogen oxide levels with special software.

rei / dpa-AFX

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