Car company: PSA rejects reports of price increases for spare parts

PSA plant in France

The car maker sees the allegations as unfounded.

(Photo: AFP)

ParisDer French carmaker PSA (Citroen, Peugeot, Opel) has rejected media reports, according to which he should have driven up certain spare parts prices with the help of a special software. The allegations are unfounded, said a spokesman on Thursday the German Press Agency in Paris. “PSA rejects them completely.”

According to information from “Mediapart”, “Spiegel Online” and the media network European Investigative Colloboration (EIC) were PSA and the French manufacturer Renault the relevant software from the management consultancy Accenture, The price increases would have brought the two manufacturers high extra profits – it had over ten years together around 1.5 billion euros together. Renault was initially unable to reach an opinion.

Accenture said the reports contained “numerous inaccuracies and interpretation errors”. These competition topics have been the subject of a lawsuit for years. According to “Mediapart”, the inventor of the software Partneo, Laurent Boutboul, the management consultancy and the two manufacturers, accused him of having used his system for adjusting price increases.

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The management consultants rejected the accusation of collusion. “Accenture does not exchange sensitive and / or confidential information between its customers.” PSA said the company is in compliance with competition law. According to “Mediapart”, the French competition authority had switched on last year, but after a few months an investigation was stopped. The spare parts are about visible pieces such as fenders or headlights. According to media, there are in France for these parts still a manufacturer monopoly.

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