Chrysler and Dodge’s days may be numbered despite surviving Friday


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John Elkann president of the FCA Italy group, right, holds a necktie to Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne prior to a press conference at the FCA headquarters, in Balocco, Italy, Friday, June 1, 2018. In his last big presentation as CEO of Fiat Chrysler before retiring, Sergio Marchionne announced a big investment push to make more electrified cars, while acknowledging that traditional engines will continue to dominate production for some time.AP Photo/Luca Bruno

(Photo: Luca Bruno, AP)

The Chrysler, Dodge and Fiat brands survived Friday’s announcement of Fiat Chrysler’s five-year investment plan, and they’ll hang on for exactly as long as management doesn’t see a way to make more money without them.

That’s one of the conclusions from the marathon briefing in Italy. FCA devoted reams of paper and pledged billions of dollars to the brands that make more money now and may deliver higher returns in the future: Jeep, Ram, Alfa Romeo and Maserati.

Chrysler and Dodge have shrunk so much that keeping them running is easy and inexpensive by the auto industry’s cash-devouring standards. Chrysler sells just two vehicles — the 300 sport sedan and Pacifica minivan. Dodge has five — the performance-oriented Charger and Challenger; Journey and Durango SUVs, and Grand Caravan minivan.

Unlike Pontiac and Oldsmobile, which had bigger model lines, devoted design and engineering teams and dealers, the incremental cost of keeping Chrysler and Dodge in business doesn’t amount to much more than light bulbs for Dodge and Chrysler signs in front of dealerships that already sell far more Rams and Jeeps.

Until they require significant investment to develop new models, Chrysler and Dodge can run more or less on inertia, with a little money budgeted for updates each year.

Despite that, I wouldn’t advise buying futures in Dodge and Chrysler. Crunch time is coming.

Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne’s obsession with capital efficiency is legendary, so when he said Friday in Italy that 75 percent of FCA’s investment in the next five years will go to Jeep, Ram, Alfa and Maserati, you can figure 25 percent is the ceiling for other brands, not the floor.

Each Chrysler and Dodge vehicle has a future as long as FCA believes continuing to make them produces more cash than dropping them in favor of something else.

The Pacifica, 300, Charger and Challenger are safe for the moment. If I were a Durango or Journey, I wouldn’t use the long-term parking lot.

Marchionne’s every move for the last three years has directed financial and engineering resources to the vehicles that make the most money. That’s why Jeep added new models and replaced its old ones. It’s why FCA no longer builds the Dodge Dart, and the factory that made the Chrysler 200 was converted to build the all-new 2019 Ram 1500 pickup.

This photo provided by Fiat Chrysler shows the 2018 Ram 1500. (Courtesy of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles North America via AP)

 (Photo: FCA US LLC, AP)

Jeep will add 500,000 units of North American manufacturing capacity as it increases sales and adds new models between now and 2022, brand boss Mike Manley said Friday. Ram plans to add an all-new midsize pickup, probably expecting to sell 75,000 to 100,000 a year.

That’s likely to squeeze some Dodge and Chrysler vehicles out. The Durango and Journey should be first to go. FCA would make more money boosting Grand Cherokee output from at the Detroit plant that currently builds both vehicles, so developing and building a new Durango probably won’t pass scrutiny.

The Journey is ancient by automotive standards, developed during the DaimlerChrysler regime and on sale since the 2009 model year. The moment a more profitable new Jeep is ready for production, the sun sets on Journey’s long day.

The Pacifica is popular, new, and Chrysler’s always been a leader in minivans, so it’s safe. But the moment FCA figures out how to convert enough Grand Caravan buyers to the Pacifica, the aged Dodge is done. The Windsor, Ontario, plant that builds both minivans might build additional Jeeps alongside the Pacifica, more minivans or another people-mover.

The outlook for the 300, Charger and Challenger and the Brampton, Ontario, plant that builds them is not as bright. FCA executives have long been unhappy with Brampton’s quality and efficiency, and plans to move the sporty cars it builds to Alfa Romeo’s new Giorgio architecture have been scrapped for yet another update of the platform the cars debuted with in the 2005 model year. They’ve been great cars, but the end of the line is coming, unless Marchionne’s successor has other ideas after the CEO retires in 2019.

The same forces are at play for the Fiat brand. There’s little reason for it to exist in North America, other than to honor commitments FCA made to dealers. If more profitable Alfa Romeos and Maseratis squeeze low-margin Fiat cars out of production in Italy and off the sales floor in the U.S., very few people will complain.

Will the last person to sell a Chrysler, Dodge or Fiat turn out the lights?

Contact Mark Phelan: or 313-222-6731. Follow him on Twitter @mark_phelan.

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