Porsche denies the interruption of sales of its gasoline cars in Europe

“Due to a revision of the upcoming models, the model you selected is temporarily not available as a configurable new vehicle.” This is the text posted since Friday, June 1st on the site of Porsche as soon as a user tries to set up a car. In an article, the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung spoke of an interruption in sales of Porsche gasoline cars across Europe. Information denied by the company that specifies at the same time its adjustments to the new European standards on emissions of gaseous pollutants.

In a statement, the brand of the group Volkswagen ensures continue to sell new vehicles. “At the moment, it is only possible to order via a Porsche dealer rather than online The transition to vehicles equipped with a particle filter has resulted in limited configuration options. demand, “says Porsche.

As described by the German media, the luxury brand confirms the installation of particulate filter on the engines of its vehicles. A modification made to comply with the new European approval protocol for new vehicles. Implemented progressively as of 1 September 2017, the WLTP (for “Globally Harmonized Test Procedure for Light Vehicles”) replaced the NEDC (for “New European Driving Cycle”). This new regulation was developed following the 2015 Volkswagen faked diesel scandal.

A phased introduction of modified Porsche cars

These changes take time … In the same release, Porsche CEO Oliver Blume explains the difficulties posed by the implementation of WLTP: “Due to a considerable shortage in the availability of test benches, which affects all builders, the current challenge is huge. “

In its article, the German media estimated that some models such as the Porsche Cayenne and Porsche Panamera may not be delivered before March 2019. The company does not comment on these dates but speaks of a phased introduction of modified versions of its vehicles on the market: “Porsche is prioritizing the transition of its range of vehicles to ensure that the most attractive range of products remains available to customers”, justifies the company.

Porsche states that some models equipped with particle filters will be available from September 1, in accordance with the WLTP schedule: some models of the 911 and 718 series; the Coupé, Cabriolet and Targa versions of the 911 4 GTS. There is a lack of clarity regarding the introduction of modified versions of other ranges, which may raise questions about their availability.

60,000 Porsche vehicles recalled in May

The luxury brand of Volkswagen continues to blame the impact of the dieselgate. In April, the head of Porsche’s transmission business was detained on remand as part of the Volkswagen Group’s investigation into handling pollutant emissions from diesel vehicles. In May, the German Federal Transport Authority (KBA) forced it to recall some 60,000 diesel SUV Macan and Cayenne. The vehicles were equipped with unauthorized devices capable of bypassing laboratory emissions testing.

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