Musk sees the end of the tunnel on the production of Model 3

This time, it’s the right one. Highly anticipated at the General Assembly Tesla, the fantastic boss of the group Elon Musk wanted “optimistic” about the situation of the group. And especially on the pace of production of the Model 3, its model for the general public victim of repeated delays.

“It’s very complicated to become a car manufacturer,” explained Elon Musk in front of its shareholders. Before being convinced of the ability to You’re here achieve its goal of “5,000 units per week” by the end of June.

A third production line

According to Musk, this goal should be achieved by adding a third assembly line from Model 3, which complements the assembly lines. Tesla started building this third line about two weeks ago. Things are moving at “crazy speed,” the billionaire said.

“We can probably come up to 5,000 units a week with the two current general assembly lines. But with the third, I’m very confident about our ability to exceed 5,000 units per week, “added Elon Musk.

New factories

The boss of Tesla, challenged by some of its shareholders, also announced the creation of new factories. Musk said he is in talks with the Chinese authorities to build vehicles and batteries in Shanghai.

Tesla would eventually open 10 to 12 factories of this type in the world, including one in Europe. The group hopes to determine the precise location by the end of the year, added Musk.

These “Gigafactories” will produce cars and batteries, said the billionaire. At present, the group has a Gigafactory in Nevada in the United States, which manufactures batteries for brand vehicles built in California, near San Francisco.

Video – Tesla burns $ 8,000 cash per minute

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