Super Cruise: Cadillac’s car assistance system needs driver monitoring

The General Motors subsidiary Cadillac wants to offer its driver assistance system Super Cruise in all vehicles in 2020. Super Cruise is a semi-automated system: the driver must be supervised so that he does not fall asleep.

June 7, 2018, 7:35 am,

Super Cruise

Super Cruise
(Image: Cadillac)

The semi-automated driver assistance system Super Cruise from General Motors is intended according to the manufacturer Available from 2020 on all Cadillac models. After 2020, Super Cruise will be introduced to other GM brands.

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The Super Cruise driver assistance works with Lidar systems and is equipped with GPS. The Lidar scans the environment with laser beams and can measure the position and speed of objects. The maps are currently available for 130,000 miles of highway in the US and Canada. If you want to use Super Cruise, you need a subscription with Onstar.

The driver monitoring system helps keep the driver alert and recognizable when it is too careless. Even when using Super Cruise, the driver must always be careful and not use a smartphone or tablet while driving.

Cadillac plans to offer V2X communications in a high-volume crossover by 2023, eventually extending the technology to the entire Cadillac portfolio. By V2X is meant the vehicle-to-environment communication with which the road infrastructure and other road users such as cyclists and pedestrians can exchange data. This informs drivers about dangerous road conditions, traffic light conditions and construction sites. With a range of almost 300 meters, drivers of subsequent cars can thus adjust to possible threats.

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Autonomous driving
General Motors
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