Exhaust scandal: Investigators accuse Audi CEO Stadler fraud and search his apartment

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Exhaust scandal Investigators accuse Audi CEO Stadler fraud and search his apartment

Rupert Stadler: Die Ermittler werfen dem Audi-Chef Betrug und mittelbare Falschbeurkundung vor

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Rupert Stadler: The investigators accuse the Audi chief fraud and indirect false certification

in the diesel scandal at Volkswagen, Audi boss Rupert Stadler is now in the sights of the investigators. Since May 30, now the CEO of the Audi AG and another member of the board of the VW subsidiary from Ingolstadt led as accused, said the prosecutor Munich II on Monday.

Both boards are charged with fraud and indirect false authentication. This concerns the allegation that diesel vehicles with manipulated software for exhaust gas control had been brought to the European market.

The number of defendants in the preliminary investigation thus increased to 20. To secure evidence on Monday, the private homes of the two accused were searched. An Audi spokesman affirmed that the VW subsidiary cooperates with the investigators. From Volkswagen Show stock market chart Initially no opinion was received.

The public prosecutor’s offices in Munich and Braunschweig have been investigating many accused persons at Volkswagen and Audi in the diesel affair for many months. Stadler has denied any involvement in the manipulation and was able to hold despite internal criticism so far as Audi boss.

mg / rtr

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