Tesla: Update 9.0 with more autonomous driving

Elon Musk announced a new update for the autopilot: 9.0 with more autonomous driving features.

In recent times, it has been increasingly bleak for the e-car manufacturer Tesla – especially if the function of the autopilot. There was deadly accidents and complain against the system of partial autonomy (Level 2): ​​the autopilot.

Tesla Innen

Well, and maybe because of that, they have announced a new update. Finally, investigations revealed that the system accelerates the car for unknown reasons, which is m.E. only since the last one update occurred. Perhaps it could have something to do with the absence of tracked front end Car accelerated,

The update to Autopilot 9.0 should give it new features, so the announcement of the Tesla boss Elon Musk, In concrete terms, it should also be about functions in the field of autonomous driving. The update will be rolled out this August.

The announcement for the update was made via Twitter and was made yesterday, Sunday. But there was no further information. Which features will be available for autonomous driving is therefore also completely unclear. It would be possible to update to level 3, the vehicle would provide more security and you could let go of the steering wheel. This is currently not possible and a warning sounds. This is often enough ignored. But a monitoring, like GM it with the system of partial autonomy Super Cruise is planning, is with Tesla not integrated Service.

Most experts assume that it takes a lidar for autonomous driving. The models from Tesla have none lidarwhich allows a 3D perception of the vehicles. That, such as a GM Manager, is insufficient for autonomous driving. However, have researchers from Audi and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) developed an algorithm that can make information from camera data 3D.

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