PSA Vesoul: the agreement on the end of the 35 hours submitted for signature

Will the text be signed? For the CGT union, it is no, a no since the announcement of the project of the direction to spend the working time of 35 hours to 37:45. The CGT calls to strike Thursday, June 14, date where could be signed the agreement.

For the CGE-CGC and FO, the two unions will consult their troops before deciding.

At the end of a new discussion session, PSA Vesoul offers its employees to work 37:45 instead of 35 hours, an increase in working time of 7.8%. In exchange, they will benefit from a salary increase of 3.1%. Management initially proposed an increase of 2.86%.

The Vesoul site has 3,000 employees and is PSA’s global spare parts center. He wants to increase working time to “gain competitiveness” in its highly competitive logistics market.

The fourth working session took place on Monday, June 11th. Management commits to hire a minimum of 80 people over three years.

In a statement, the CFE CGC questions the physical transformation of the site. “This transformation must earn us nine points of competitiveness,” says the union, which talks about rationalization of flows and modernization of the industrial tool. “If we commit ourselves to this agreement, of course, the follow-up, both economically and the working conditions will be paramount in achieving the objectives “says the union.

If this text is signed, it marks the end of 35 hours at PSA Vesoul. Will other production sites follow?

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