Carlos Ghosn could leave his post before 2022

A mission approaching its end. Carlos Ghosn told reporters from the Financial Times (FT) that he did not intend to spend “four more years” at the helm of Renault.

The French businessman, at the head of the French car manufacturer since 2005, renewed his contract last February Thierry Bolloré was then named number 2 of the group. “You can doubt that I will stop being CEO of Renault before 2022, “slipped Carlos Ghosn to the FT, which is expected to publish the full interview on June 16.

A withdrawal without resignation

In the meantime, the CEO should have completed his mission to make the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance a “sustainable” package. At 5.7 billion euros, synergies between Renault and Nissan – linked since 1999 without being merged – demonstrate that their alliance is beginning to bear fruit. With the integration of Mitsubishi at the end of 2016, Carlos Ghosn will have to make sure that the Alliance can not disappear easily.

According to the “Financial Times”, however, Carlos Ghosn will remain president of Renault, executive director and president of the Alliance once his mission accomplished and his withdrawal from the post of CEO made. This departure could therefore be a simple step backwards and not a total withdrawal.

A mode of operation that already began to apply Carlos Ghosn. Last year, Renault’s CEO abandoned Nissan’s operational management at a number two and was satisfied with the presidency of Mitsubishi during the takeover of the latter.

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