Change Study from Bain & Company

A new study on change has been created by the consulting firm Bain & Company. The change is in full swing.

Currently takes place change in terms of mobility, which mainly revolves around the sharing of vehicles. That loses that private car in prestige and importance. Especially in the cities, the change is noticeable and affects not only the car, but also the scooters and bicycles.

Strasse Berlin

The study of Bain & Company underscores this change with its study, which has led to changes, especially in industry. The report, entitled “New Urban Mobility,” presents findings on how the mobility world has changed over the last five years.

In the choice of transport, according to the study, lie safety, Flexibility and Availability at the top of the wish list. Safety and communication performance have increased over the past five years, with less flexibility and enjoyment of driving. The Sharing services are being used more intensively, namely by two to two and a half times – compared to before 2013.

The Status icon car was suffering badly. Since 2013, the status icon has dropped by six percent during the period – even for people who only see the car as a vehicle, the desire for alternative forms of mobility has increased. Although the number of those who use the car as well environmental problem seen, declined, but the desire for new forms has increased. So does the number of people who tend to reject the car. The last category is mainly in Berlin has risen and is in Munich least.

17 to 34 percent of those who live in the city and have a car, would give it up on alternative offers. That is an increase of one and a half times as much as in 2013.

10 to 33 percent of urban dwellers would use an Autonomous Taxi or Robot Taxi. The percentage varies depending on the waiting time until the car arrives. 10 percent would wait 15 minutes and 33 percent only two minutes. Price and comfort also played a role. The lower the price and higher the comfort, the more people were using the autonomous driving services.

Respondents also stated that the Manufacturer less present in the new mobility solutions. This varies greatly from the global region. As About showed the concept is not easy on China transfer. The manufacturers dominate the value chain, especially in vehicle development and assistance systems. In the autonomous driving via KI and software is assigned equal competence to both categories. The fleet management still outweigh the manufacturers.

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