Reactions to Stadler arrest: “Trickery and cheating have been tolerated from the very top”

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Reactions to Stadler arrest “The story of the auto industry has collapsed”

Im Dieselskandal des Volkswagen-Konzerns ist jetzt erstmals ein ranghoher Manager in Deutschland festgenommen worden


In the diesel scandal of the Volkswagen Group, a senior manager in Germany has now been arrested for the first time

Green Group Vice Oliver Krischer sees the provisional arrest of Audi CEO Rupert Stadler in the exhaust gas scandal as a result of negligence in the VW Group. “Today, the marque of the auto industry has finally collapsed, the exhaust gas scandal deals with the misconduct of individual engineers,” said Krischer on Monday the German Press Agency in Berlin.

“It’s becoming increasingly clear that trickery and cheating are at least tolerated, if not ordered, by corporations right from the top, and in almost three years since the announcement of the emissions scandal, neither the VW Group nor the industry has made a clear cut to draw. “

The arrest Stadler show how little the scandal and its consequences of VW and the other car makers had obviously been taken seriously. “It is good that at least prosecutors are now trying to deal with the largest industrial scandal in German post-war history, where the federal government has failed miserably.”

Audi CEO Stadler was arrested on Monday, “The accused was brought before the investigating judge, who ordered the execution of the pre-trial detention,” the prosecutor informed Munich II. As a reason, the authority called dimming.

rei / dpa

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