Autonomous Waymo car involved in 5-car crash in Arizona.

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Autonomous Waymo car involved in 5-car crash in Arizona.

Phoenix police say a self-driving Waymo car was among 5 involved in a collision. No serious injuries were reported.

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The Associated Press Published 5:45 p.m. ET June 17, 2018

Mesa, Ariz. – Police in a Phoenix suburb say a self-driving Waymo vehicle was among five cars involved in a collision, but no serious injuries were reported.

The driver of the Waymo vehicle told Mesa police that the car was not in autonomous mode at the time of Saturday night’s crash.

Witnesses say another car failed to stop for a red light and crashed into the Waymo vehicle as it was turning left.

The car then struck three other vehicles.

Waymo, whose parent company is Google, did not immediately return a message seeking comment Sunday.

Self-driving vehicles have come under fire since an Uber vehicle in autonomous mode with an operator behind the wheel fatally struck a woman in nearby Tempe.

A Waymo vehicle was struck by a red-light runner last month in the Phoenix suburb of Chandler.

Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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