HERE & Unifly for drone order in the sky

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HERE relies on Unifly to create the charts of the skies.

The map provider HERE Cooperates with Unifly to map the world of drones. Next to the goods trackingto whom Indoor Card Business and above all the map material for autonomous driving, one has discovered a new space to be mapped: the air.

Bundeswehr Drohne

Bundeswehr drone

Together we want to use the drone technology to get an idea of ​​the environment. This data flows into the Unifly UTM platform, which in turn links local and aviation security authorities. Therefore, one works on an airspace map. Unifly is supposed to help drones to organize by software.

This airspace map should be the basis for the order in the sky and thus urban and rural areas should be displayed. In addition, no-fly zones are listed therein. Later, they want to take care of an automated drone collision protection, which for commercial drone use, such as flying taxis, is significant.

The map reaches 150 meters in height and shows private zones, buildings, obstacles and other important flight factors. The update should be ensured by sensors.
