It is too early for regulation | NHTSA

In a statement, the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) has declared a regulation premature.

In the US, traffic law is in the hands of individual states. A nationwide regulation for dealing with autonomous driving is for the time being failed, Many companies now fear a patchwork of 50 different regulations from 50 different states.

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The sub-department of the US Department of Transportation, the NHTSA, the development towards autonomous driving is positive, as it was emphasized time and time again. After all, it is hoped that development will bring about a reduction in road deaths and accidents on the roads of the USA.

In a statement, the interim head of the NHTSA said, Heidi Kingthat it would be too early to regulate autonomous driving. The companies, like General Motors or Waymowho are currently leading the development are still in the midst of the development of the technology. It would not be appropriate to regulate developments, which might suppress innovation.

The announcement comes in the face of increasing regulatory anger on the part of the US authorities in connection with the fatal accident in the US March stands. An Autonomous car from Uber overtook a woman during a test drive. But now it became known that the emergency braking system was deactivated in the model and a test driver should take care of it. But she looked at her smartphone show,

After the accident, especially in the US, a discussion about the safety of autonomous driving. This discussion was accompanied by new regulations and a stricter regulation for the tests. The US state Pennsylvania is exemplary for it.

The NHTSA, King said, is focused on removing barriers to the development of autonomous driving. It is the same authority that includes the Tesla accidents examined, While trying to reduce security risks in autonomous driving, but alcohol in traffic or missing seat belts are a much larger problem and cost every year thousands of people The life.

In the US, NHTSA estimates; In 2016, 37,461 people died in traffic. This is an increase of 5.6 percent over the previous year. For comparison: In 2017 more than 3,100 people died in traffic in Germany.

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