Opel has to answer in the diesel scandal

Opel is suspected, according to a media report, to have manipulated exhaust emissions in diesel engines. The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) has, according to a report of ” Picture on Sunday “In recent months, reliable evidence found that the car maker worldwide with 60,000 cars off the exhaust gas while driving.

In Germany Accordingly, around 10,000 cars will be affected, in which the limit values ​​for nitrogen oxides have been exceeded by more than ten times.

A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Transport confirmed “an official hearing against Opel because of three Euro 6 models”. Opel was not available for comment. The report said Opel has two weeks to explain itself to the KBA.

(More about the action “Germany speaks” you will find here .)

Unlike other automakers Opel was not the target of legal investigations and had yet to call back vehicles. The Frankfurt public prosecutor’s office had closed preliminary investigations more than a year ago.

VW admitted in September 2015 that it had rigged exhaust emissions tests on more than ten million diesel cars. For this the company had to enter Germany alone Fine of one billion euros numbers. In the US, VW is said to have paid around four billion euros in a settlement to obtain the attitudes of criminal and civil law suits.

Here is an overview of the chronology of the diesel scandal.