Audi driver in custody: Audi CEO Stadler puts a complaint

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Audi driver in custody Audi CEO Stadler files a complaint

Rupert Stadler: Beschwerde gegen Untersuchungshaft


Rupert Stadler: Complaint against pre-trial detention

The leave of absence Audi CEO Rupert Stadler has filed a complaint against the pre-trial detention. That said a spokeswoman for the prosecutor Munich II on Thursday. The investigating authority will examine the complaint. She can not predict how long the emergency procedure will take. Previously, several media had reported about it.

Stadler had been heard several times since his arrest. “In the beginning, he still gave information, not at last,” said the spokeswoman.

Stadler was arrested in mid-June for his involvement in the diesel scandal. The prosecution accuses him of wanting to influence witnesses or accused persons. The case against Stadler is about fraud and “indirect false certification” of the sale of hundreds of thousands of diesel cars on the European market. Altogether, the prosecution investigates against 20 active and former Audi employees.

At the end of June, a former Audi manager was released from custody for nine months after paying a three-million-euro bail. He had previously also several times unsuccessfully filed a complaint against his detention and was drawn to the Federal Constitutional Court.

la / dpa

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