Confusion among British dealers by the WLTP

The WLTP, which goes into effect on September 1, is causing widespread confusion among UK dealers. That is the conclusion of a study carried out by Motor Trader in partnership with Manheim, which reveals that only a few weeks before the implementation of September 1, more than a third of dealers (35%) do not know the details of this change.

Thus, almost two thirds (61%) of the dealers are not up to date with the launch schedule and are not clear about what the new tests mean for new cars after the deadline,

On the other hand, just under half of the dealers surveyed (47%) believe that the new procedure is creating shortages of supplies, while the other half considers that it has little or no impact.

Most distributors (55%) said they were happy with the information they got from their brand, but 45% did not. In addition, nine out of ten dealers (86%) believe that tactical registrations will be made to register vehicles affected by the WLTP before the September 1 deadline.

Philip Nothard, director of external relations at Cox Automotive, owner of Manheim, said the high response to tactical registrations was to be expected. “Despite the general confusion, it should not be surprising that nine out of 10 dealers believe that there will be tactical records before the entry into force of the new testing regime,” he said.

“This represents a significant increase in August registration figures, it can even break a record, which will probably affect residual values ​​in certain variants later on, although this can be counteracted by a pause in the production of new cars, while manufacturers implement technical improvements, “concluded Nothard.

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