Carsharing: Renault and ADA unite in Moov’in.Paris

The diamond brand has lifted the veil on a brand new service to be deployed in the coming weeks, in Paris and Clichy (92). The name Moov’in.Paris, it offers rental self-service and free-floating, thanks to the assistance of the lessor, ADA.

The announcements of July 4, 2018 are followed by actions . On the occasion of an event organized by the Mayor of Paris, July 19, 2018, Renault unveiled Moov’in.Paris, a free-floating car-sharing service developed with the ADA rental company that will be part of the replacement device. Autolib ‘. A launch planned in September 2018, which echoes the commitments made at the conference held by Thierry Bolloré , the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Renault Group, and Anne Hidalgo , the Mayor of Paris, at the beginning of the month.

Moov’in.Paris will start with a fleet of 120 vehicles of the Renault brand, including 100 Zoé and 20 Twizy, in a small defined area. This one includes the 11 e and 12 e boroughs of the capital and the neighboring city of Clichy (92), where ADA headquarters, the subsidiary of the Rousselet group. ” We chose these territories, on the one hand for their population open to new mobility services and on the other hand to assess the potential in the suburbs “, explained the spokespersons of Renault and ADA, present at the event.

Paris in 2019, and then?

The details of the financial arrangement have not been communicated, except that the lessor takes over the billing of the service. The two partners have agreed to place quality of service at the top of the agenda. It is however established that ADA will provide its technology platform as a basis for the development of the Moov’in.Paris application. Also, the renter, who then discovers a new job, will put his expertise in fleet management and maintenance available to the car-sharing program, with the support of his branch network.

A network of agencies that will be seen more and more solicited since, after this phase of adjustment, Renault and ADA hear ” cover Paris and some suburban towns “, they said on the sidelines of the presentation. Any opportunity is good to take and we will not fail to look at those that occur in other cities, but this is not yet relevant “In the long term, Renault recognizes that Moov’in.Paris could become a complement to Renault Rent and Renault Mobility, services that involve dealers more.