Here’s why Tesla’s Model 3 may face declining demand, despite Elon Musk’s claims

Recently, Elon Musk lashed out at a new analysis claiming that nearly a quarter of the more than 400,000 advance reservations for Tesla‘s Model 3 battery-sedan have been canceled.

Musk tweet

A spokesman for Tesla told CNBC that, as of June 31, “The remaining net Model 3 reservations count at the end of Q2 still stood at roughly 420,000, even though we have now delivered 28,386 Model 3 vehicles to date.”

For those who are now translating reservations into actual orders, as well as new customers, the spokesman added, delivery will come in “approximately one to three months.” Meanwhile, three people who placed early reservations spoke told CNBC they have heard from Tesla in recent weeks, indicating they could take delivery even sooner than that.

But the numbers don’t necessarily add up. As the second quarter ended, Musk announced that the carmaker had hit its revised goal, producing 5,000 Model 3 sedans during the final week of June. Tesla has now set a goal of reaching 6,000 a week within the next month and, longer-term, is aiming for the original target of around 8,000 weekly. That was the figure Musk had announced previously, before things headed south at the Fremont, California assembly plant.

Even at that highest figure, it should take more than a full year for Tesla to meet existing reservations, assuming everyone does follow through in turning those into orders. And that doesn’t take into account brand new orders, like the 5,000 Musk claimed to have received last week.

In other words, if Tesla can get you a Model 3 in no more than three months, it suggests that either more reservation-holders have backed out than it claims — or that a high percentage have so far declined to transform those reservations into actual orders.