Volkswagen: former VW boss Winterkorn was allegedly already inaugurated in 2007 in exhaust gas manipulation

Martin Winterkorn

According to a media report, the former VW boss in the investigation file is more heavily loaded.

(Photo: AP)

WolfsburgThe former VW-Boss Martin Winterkorn could already have been informed in 2007 about the exhaust gas manipulation in the group. This is reported by the magazine “Der Spiegel” on Friday citing witness testimony in the investigation files of the prosecutor’s office Braunschweig.

According to the report, there was a meeting in November 2007 involving Winterkorn and other managers. It was discussed how a new diesel engine could be converted to comply with the US limit values ​​for nitrogen oxides.

It was the engine that the US authorities finally took as a reason for billions in fines. Two VWEngineers had presented possible technical solutions at the meeting. Volkswagen did not want to comment on the “mirror” statements of individual witnesses.

Diesel scandal: VW managers saw the diesel fiasco come to the group

Volkswagen has always claimed that the company management was only on 18 September 2018 by the investigation of the US authorities been informed about the exhaust gas manipulation, Recently the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, NDR and WDR reports that employees allegedly warned managers about the extent of the scandal several days earlier.

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In view of the diesel affair Winterkorn threaten damage claims of VW, should he be proven breaches of duty. In the exhaust gas scandal is determined against him as well as against the new VW CEO Herbert Diess and Supervisory Board Chairman Hans Dieter Pötsch because of possible market manipulation, against Winterkorn in addition to fraud.

He resigned on September 23, 2015, shortly after US authorities uncovered manipulation of diesel cars.

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