Volkswagen has delivery problems: VW customers have to wait a long time for electric cars

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Volkswagen has delivery difficulties VW customers have to wait a long time for electric cars

Fertigungsstrecke im Volkswagen-Werk in Wolfsburg


Production line in the Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg

Because of problems with the certification are at Volkswagen Show stock market chart No hybrid and natural gas vehicles can be ordered by the end of this year. For vehicles with hybrid or natural gas drive, the car maker currently no longer accept orders, said a VW spokesman for the “World on Sunday”. On Sunday, a spokesman told that hybrid vehicles were “likely to be available again in the fourth quarter of 2018”.

at electric vehicles According to the company, due to the high demand, there are longer delivery times, so electric cars that have been ordered can not be delivered until the beginning of 2019.

A company spokesman pointed out on Sunday that electric cars could be ordered “normally” and would also be delivered this year if ordered early. However, delivery times have been extended, which is why capacity has already been increased. So it takes the model E-Up currently about five months after ordering until the car is delivered. The E-Golf has a delivery time of seven months.

Also read: Car manufacturers can no longer deliver these models

According to the report, Volkswagen could not all models of environmentally friendly cars in time for the new regulation WLTP Certified (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure), since the test stands are busy as a late consequence of the exhaust gas scandal.

According to the spokesman, the fact that the more environmentally friendly hybrid, natural gas and electric cars are no longer available is, according to the spokesman, comparatively rare and therefore not treated as a priority. Hybrid vehicles will not be reorderable until 2019 because of upcoming model changes, the company spokesman said on Sunday.

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