BMW uses Zeplug to touch condos

BMW France has reached an agreement with the start-up Zeplug to offer a complete offer of charging stations for condominiums.

Behind the scenes, we knew that contacts had been made. From now on, their collaboration has everything official. BMW France and Zeplug will give their speeches to offer condominiums solutions for charging electric vehicles. A partnership that takes shape in the concessions, where the commercial advisers have been trained to promote the catalog of Zeplug, leaflets will be distributed next to the vehicles on display.

This partnership, which leaves room for further development, begins with the integration of the BMW i Wallbox Plus with the solutions available at Zeplug. The French start-up thus becomes an installer partner with the condominiums of a power supply dedicated to recharging, independent of the common areas. It will take 799 euros TTC for the acquisition of the terminal and a subscription of 24 euros per month for access to service, maintenance and technical assistance. At the same time, products already available at Zeplug will also be able to equip BMW customers.

BMW France communicates primarily with individuals, but the agreement with Zeplug also includes a professional chapter. ” We are also partners of BMW for fleets , says the Journal of the Automobile a spokeswoman for the young company, thanks to our 100% subscription plan, no setup fee and our unique badge solution. “The latter allows, indeed, to manage the load in a professional and private role of the company car.