Bill: Government demands toleration of private charging stations

The Federal government has its design for promoting private charging stations for electric cars submitted. Both tenants and owners receive a legal claim. But it can be very expensive.

A report

August 17, 2018, 11:43 am

Die Regierung will die Installation privater Ladesäulen erleichtern.

The government wants to facilitate the installation of private charging stations.
(Image: Mary Turner / Reuters)

The Federal Government intends to allow the installation of private charging stations for tenants and owners in principle with a change in the law. This emerges from a discussion draft of the Federal Ministry of Justice, which was published by the Ministry, According to this, co-owners must tolerate all measures “in favor of a homeowner for the construction or use of a charging facility for electrically powered vehicles (…) on a parking space subject to his or her special use right”. Tenants can demand from the landlord the “permission to construct changes” for the establishment of a loading possibility.


Landlords can refuse permission

The Ministry of Justice announced in mid-July 2018 that it would not introduce the bill directly into the Bundestag, but first within a federal-state working group to discuss, The Bavarian Ministry of Justice has meanwhile submitted a new draft on the subject (PDF), which deviates considerably from a proposal which the Federal Council had already passed twice at the instigation of Bavaria and Saxony (PDF).

Follow-up costs must be borne

The plans of the Federal Government are not as impractical as the original bill of the federal states, which had provided no technical and financial requirements for the establishment of charging facilities in shared underground garages. However, this could be problematic if more owners want to install a wallbox and then the entire electrical installation would have to be strengthened or a load management would be required,

The draft of the Federal Government takes this into account, but imposes financial risks on electric car owners. Thus, an owner would not only be obliged to “reimburse the condominium community the costs of the action and the consequential costs”. In addition, he would have to participate pro rata in costs incurred or incurred by another homeowner, if this also wants to install a wallbox and thus “has required additional expenses to ensure the usability of the existing electricity system or required”.

Risks for electric car pioneers

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That is, an owner who initially installs a wallbox at his own expense could later be forced to pay for a complete upgrade of the installation, which would be required by other users. In addition, he would have to co-finance the reinforcement of the house connection, if this can no longer provide the additional wallboxes. It could also be problematic if a local load management was necessary and already installed wall boxes are not compatible with each other. Even with unbalanced load unbalanced loads, technical measures such as automatic load detection and phase interchange could be required.

The bill does not provide for explicit opportunities for the homeowner community to pass appropriate conditions. These could, for example, consist in limiting the charging power of the wall boxes or prescribing load-management-capable wall boxes so as not to overload the house connection.

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electric car
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