AI creates deceptively real pictures

The Artificial Intelligence of Nvidia allows image manipulation, the quality of which comes close to a photo.

The IT specialist Nvidia has a Artificial intelligence trains to manipulate an image and that looks ultimately as real as if it were a photo. The post-processing even succeeded in a series of pictures – so you could also change films accordingly.

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So far, it has been possible to change images so that they were photorealistic. But Nvidia has managed to turn these images into series and generate a video that can be considered genuine. The technology now opens the door to manipulation – recognizing the authenticity of videos is even less possible.

One can pretend to the artificial intelligence, which contents one would like to integrate into the sequence, respectively the picture. The algorithm uses this information, which is real to the human eye. In this way artificial intelligence manages to change the pixels of the information depending on the view so that it looks natural.

Nvidia research and example

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