VW boss Diess wants to introduce e-car for managers

The future CO2 limits make carmakers – including Volkswagen. E-cars could provide relief if they come in sufficient numbers on the road. Now VW wants to make its own managers ambassadors of e-mobility.

Berlin / Wolfsburg – In the fight for future CO2 limits, the car maker Volkswagen wants to increase the number of electric and hybrid cars in its own company car fleet. The proportion of electrified models should “increase significantly” in the next few years and by 2019 be more than ten percent, said Volkswagen. A total of about 20,000 company cars of the brand VW in Germany. The “Welt am Sonntag” had reported that Volkswagen managers claiming a company car should switch to battery cars in the future. For this, CEO Herbert Diess wants to change the company car scheme.

This had criticized managers in Wolfsburg, it should not be to customers to buy economical, clean cars to the heart and drive even heavy, strong PS SUVs, wrote the newspaper. Detailed plans for a new company car scheme are currently under preparation and should be discussed in the committees “in the coming weeks and months,” Volkswagen said. The goal is to implement the new regulations from the second half of 2019 with plug-in hybrids and pure electric cars. At the beginning of 2020, the first vehicle of the all-electric ID model family from VW will be launched on the market – and then the proportion of electric vehicles in its own company car fleet will once again increase significantly.

“Volkswagen’s electric offensive will pick up speed in 2020,” said Volkswagen HR Director Gunnar Kilian. “With the launch of our ID model family we ignite the next stage.” So the VW managers would be “ambassadors of e-mobility” and should carry the fascination of this technology into society.

The background to this are the EU limit values ​​for the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2): From 2020, EU manufacturers’ models may only emit an average of 95 grams of CO2 per kilometer. The VW brand came in the first half of the year, according to “Welt am Sonntag” to 118 grams of CO2. The automaker wants to make a significant contribution to achieving the statutory CO2 fleet targets for 2020 with the initiative.

According to the report, the share of e-cars and hybrid models in Volkswagen’s company car fleet is currently in the per thousand range. Among the ideas discussed include a bonus-malus system – who drives a Stromer, could therefore get a premium who sticks to the strong burner, should pay.

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List of rubric pictures: © dpa / Hauke-Christian Dittrich

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