Controller and sales expert: Ex-Audi CEO Dieter Voggenreiter has a new job – he becomes a consultant

Dietmar Voggenreiter

From 1997 to 2001 he worked for Horváth & Partners.

(Photo: Audi)

MunichIt should be a liberation. Swapped in early September 2017 AudiCEO Rupert Stadler made four directors to the lurching VWDaughter back on track. Dietmar Voggenreiter was one of those who had been killed.

The Chief Sales Officer had to pay for the weak China numbers after the build-up of a second dealer network in Audis largest sales market had gone thoroughly wrong. But Stadler did not pay the bill; Since June, the Audi boss is in pre-trial detention because of his possible involvement in the diesel affair,

For Voggenreiter, however, things have been quieter since then. Thanks to a competition clause, the dismissed sales director was not allowed to work in the auto industry – and he is a Zaungast in the diesel affair. Now the controller and sales expert hires from his old employer: the consulting firm Horváth & Partners.

Already from 1997 to 2001, the now 49-year-old had worked for the management consultancy and cared for customers in the auto industry. 900 people are active for the company, about one fifth of the sales comes from the car business.

Current club events

Thursday, 06.09.18, 09:00 Iserlohn: Campus Symposium (6 and 7 September)

Monday, 10.09.18, 12:30 Berlin: Club Talk “Goodbye EU”

Monday, 09/17/18, 19:00 Frankfurt am Main: China’s way to high-tech world domination

Monday, 24.09.18, 09:15 Leipzig: Handelsblatt Annual Conference Gas 2018

Monday, 24.09.18, 18:00 Berlin: Panel discussion in the Swiss Embassy

Monday, 17.09.18 Dusseldorf: WHU – Strategy Essentials Part 2: Strategy Execution

To the business club

The industry is changing, electric cars and autonomous driving are changing a lot. Consulting is in business. Voggenreiter wants to get involved in these topics – no trace of diesel.

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