Commercial War: Ford does not give Trump gifts

Ford does not intend to offer a symbolic victory to Donald Trump. The automaker showered the US president’s enthusiasm by announcing that he would not manufacture the Ford Focus Active in the United States.

” This is just the beginning. This car can now be MANUFACTURED in USA and Ford will not pay any customs taxes! Had praised the real estate mogul in advance on Twitter, recalling that Ford had given up in August to to import vehicles made in China into the United States .

Not profitable

“It would not be profitable to produce the Ford Focus Active in the United States since annual sales should not exceed 50,000 units and it is a niche product,” the automaker immediately replied.

The discontinuation of the manufacturing of this crossover assembled in Chongqing (southwest of China) was announced in the face of the prospect of an increase in US tariffs on products imported from China to the United States. This decision will have no impact on the workforce, nor a significant impact on the sales volume of the American manufacturer, then assured the president of Ford North America, Kumar Galhotra.


While Washington has announced that it could to tax 200 billion dollars of Chinese goods , Donald Trump spoke again last week, an extra salvo $ 267 billion. The White House justifies these decisions by the desire to reduce the trade deficit between the two economies. So far, China has responded to each of the US measures with identical sanctions.

The trade war triggered by Donald Trump raises the concern of large American companies. Apple has made it known that it could to be forced to increase the price of its products because of rising tariffs. To which the American president replied: “There is a simple solution. Make your products in the United States instead of China. Start building new plants today. Exciting! “

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