Audi and French agency Valtech team up in autonomous vehicle

According to press reports published on Monday, September 24, Audi and Valtech have created a joint venture to develop the vehicles of the future. The magazine Challenges quotes “sources close to both companies”. It would be a non-exclusive and seven-year agreement between the subsidiary of Volkswagen and the French digital agency specializing in business transformation. Valtech will hold most of the new entity.

According to the French magazine, the joint venture will focus on “all aspects of future autonomous vehicles”: connection, design of new services, design of charging networks …

The joint venture should include 30 Audi managers and 200 employees of the French company, including designers, automotive consultants and marketers. This would be the largest agreement entered into by Valtech. Contacted by L’Usine Nouvelle, Valtech has not yet confirmed this information.

It would not be in any case the first collaboration between the French agency and Audi. Valtech has already developed a virtual showroom for the German brand in 2012. In 2017, with Volkswagen, the agency had designed a car configuration tool for potential buyers. Valtech also collaborated with Cabonline and Daimler AG.

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