US Department of Transportation: It needs better readings

To boost confidence in safety, the US Department of Transportation believes it would need better readings.

In the US, they are planning new ones Guidelines for autonomous driving and you want Vehicles without steering wheel allow. One sets especially on the voluntary the industry.


But since then fatal accident in March This year, when an Uber test car overtook a woman, confidence in technology has dropped. In the accident but still carries a person’s fault, because the driver, who should brake in an emergency, looked at her phone, a casting show.

Restoring trust is the job of industry, according to the US Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao even before the accident. A US Department of Transportation spokesman, Derek Kan, said it needed better readings to show the technology was safe.

The number of test kilometers and the reports on the losses alone would not be enough to prove the safety. Waymo has with 10 million test miles the highest contingent and in California Companies that test there have to report about their failures.

These two aspects are not faultless, so Kan on Tuesday at a conference of the IT specialistNvidia in Washington. So not all test miles were created under the same circumstances. Because autonomous navigation through Manhattan is more difficult than driving on an empty one Highway, Furthermore, the interventions of the people in the test car are subject to different criteria and engineering services. Therefore, derivatives of it are hardly meaningful.

For these reasons, Kan asked the industry to work with the Department of Transportation to develop the right metrics. So you could make sure a car with one Artificial intelligence as safe as people behind the wheel. This would require the input of the companies involved.

Recently, Transport Minister Chao reiterated that it is the industry’s job to build confidence in technology.

source (English)

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