VW plans electro-favorable model from 2020: What’s tuned to Diess’ price announcement for Tesla

Die Elektroautostudie I.D. ist die Basis für den Golf-ähnlichen Stromer


The Electric Vehicle Study I.D. is the basis for the Golf-style Stromer “Neo”, the VW sold from 2020

He warned more objectivity in the diesel debate and explained in detail the potential pitfalls of hardware retrofits: For long stretches was the appearance of VolkswagenGroup CEO Herbert Diess rather expectable, as he went Thursday night as a guest on the ZDF program “Maybrit Illner”.

But with a statement on the pricing of future VWelectric cars Das sat up: “We will come in 2020 with vehicles that can do everything Tesla and half cheaper “, he explained in the course of the show, which meant the first model, which is based on the newly developed VW electric car kit: The Golf-style Stromer with the working name” Neo “, in two It should be the first model of a whole family of electric cars, the VW has missed for the time being the brand name ID.

At manager magazin premium: How Herbert Diess plans VW’s future

Tesla’s low-priced model, the Model 3, is expected to cost $ 35,000 in subsidies ahead of promotions – as the Californians announced two years ago. However, such a “standard” model 3 still can not order, because Tesla first margin-stronger and thus more expensive models produced for margin reasons. The base model will certainly be built, Tesla boss Elon Musk has repeatedly assured. But so far Musk has not revealed from when customers can order or when it is delivered.

Recently, in the US, after all, the “mid-range” version of the Model 3 order, which is sold from $ 46,000 base price before government premiums. This Model 3 version has a range of around 420 kilometers. For almost all versions of its larger models S and X, Tesla calls in Germany a slightly higher price in euros than in dollars. The Model 3 with medium range should therefore cost well in Germany 50,000 euros.

For our fact check we take therefore the currently cheapest, orderable Model 3 as a benchmark. Can VW offer in two years so an electric car that costs only 25,000 euros and similar performance offers as Tesla’s mass market model? Still there was the “Neo” mentioned VW compact current based on the electric car kit MEB only as a study. It is clear, however, that VW converts 16 plants around the world for the construction of new electric car models and takes six billion euros in hand. In Zwickau from 2019, the first new “Neo” models roll off the line, on the final name for the compact current VW has not yet decided.

Model 3 is designed a bit more powerful than VW’s basic “Neo”

But leaked are at least a few key data: According to several reports, VW wants to ask for the neo-base version under 25,000 euros. This would put the Wolfsburg a point landing: Already in 2016 it was said at VW top managers that the new generation of their electric cars in 2020 should not cost more than a VW combustion car of the same class.

The battery of the “Neo” entry-level version should be designed for about 330 kilometers after WLTP cycle, it said recently. With larger battery packs – at an additional cost – 450 or 550 kilometers range per battery charge possible. However, the top speed is reported to be limited for energy use reasons, probably at 160 km / h. For the sprint to 100 km / h, the basic Neo versions need less than eight seconds.

However, Tesla’s “mid-range” model is a bit more powerful: from zero to 100, the Model 3 spurts in less than 6 seconds, the top speed of the Californians at 200 km / h. These speed and acceleration values ​​should also apply to the standard, ie basic version of the Model 3, which Tesla still does not build. Their range gave Tesla several times with about 350 kilometers – so a touch above the VW planned values.

By 2020 VW wants to sell 150,000 new electric cars

Somewhat lower-range and slightly lamer, the basic version of the Neo will fail compared to Tesla’s Model 3 – but it should actually cost at least 10,000 euros less than the entry-level version of the Californians. VW’s future electric cars are likely to play in terms of range and performance data actually in the Tesla League, at noticeably cheaper prices. The same performance for half the money – this statement of Diess is not quite true, but the Wolfsburg come probably in the vicinity.

However, the Wolfsburg also count on the fact that their customers do not necessarily resort to the base model and can be moved to additional cost, high-margin extras. So should be provided in the neo concept space for a particularly elaborate head-up display that can display information in much of the windshield. VW also wants to offer networking and numerous services for loading and parking for its ID.-family – and demand money for it.

Similar to Tesla with the Model 3, VW is also relying on its ID. Electric car family. Already in the first sales year, so 2020, the Wolfsburg want to sell 150,000 electric cars worldwide, By the spring of 2022 to be produced alone in the plant Zwickau daily 1500 Stromer per day. By the end of 2022, the Group intends to produce 27 models based on the MEB modular system for four Group brands worldwide.

Tesla last produced weekly around 5000 pieces of his Model 3 in California and plans another plant in Shanghai. In two years Tesla should therefore come to more than 10,000 produced Model 3 a week – and probably also offer the basic version of his Model 3. The fight for the electric car mass market, he will go in two years so really go.

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