China, Japan Support Unified CEC-CHAdeMO Ultra-Fast Charge Standard


CHAdeMO and Chinese GB/T will be harmonized into a single standard

China and Japan strongly support its DC fast charging standards (respectively GB/T and CHAdeMO) and gives the green light to the joint development of a next-gen ultra-fast charging standard by China Electricity Council (CEC) and CHAdeMO Association.

The idea to develop a new global standard with backward compatibility to older CHAdeMO and GB/T cars was announced this summer.

It’s a very important move for both standards, as the new unified standard will probably have higher output.

CHAdeMO is currently seriously supported only by Nissan and Mitsubishi. Having Chinese manufacturers on-board would be a strong wind in the sails.

For Chinese manufacturers, the new standard opens a way to enter outside markets with the same charging standard as in China (currently GB/T existed only in China). That will be handy when domestic manufacturers finally begin expansion outside of China.

From the press release:

“Both Chinese and Japanese government leaders commit to provide support to the joint development of next-gen ultra-fast charging standard by CEC and CHAdeMO and its roll-out to 3rd countries

On October 26th, CHAdeMO participated, together with China Electricity Council (CEC), in the Japan-China Forum on Third Country Business Cooperation held in at the Great Hall of the People (rén mín dà huì táng) at Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

The CHAdeMO-CEC collaboration was mentioned as a best practice of the bilateral collaboration in the plenary, in front of over 1,000 government officials and business leaders from both countries, with the presence of Chinese and Japanese Prime Ministers Li Keqiang and Shinzo Abe.

CHAdeMO’s Representative Board Member, Takafumi Anegawa presented the high-level overview and the objectives of the Agreement between CHAdeMO and CEC, which was incorporated in the official framework of Business Cooperation in Third Countries between the two countries.

With strong support by both governments, further acceleration of this joint activity and roll-out of its outcome to third countries are expected.”

Categories: Charging, China

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