PSA Vigo proposes to eliminate a shift of the M1 and apply an ERTE to 400 workers for 50 days

Posted 12/11/2018 14: 46: 49CET


The management of the Vigo plant of the PSA Group has proposed on Monday to the works committee the application of a suspension regulation file of suspension for 50 days, potentially affecting about 400 employees of the M1 – which assembles the Peugeot models 301 and C-Elysée–, as well as eliminating one shift of this production system and relocating another 400 workers.

This has been transferred to Europa Press sources of the company, after the meeting held on Monday morning, which has been set up the ERTE negotiation commission.

The company has justified the application of this regulatory file due to the low demand of the models manufactured in that assembly line, which has forced to establish mandatory shutdown days in the last weeks – and more non-working days foreseen for the next ones– .


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