PSA will close its small factory in Saint-Ouen

The end of the story was predictable. The PSA site in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis) should be closed by 2021. The management convened on Monday an extraordinary Central Works Council on November 21st, to detail the decision and accompanying measures planned for the 347 employees enrolled in the workforce. A works council is scheduled on site the next day. From Paris, it will now go to Poissy to find a car manufacturer site. AP-HP plans to build a very large university hospital on these grounds.

The future of the small 40,000-square-meter factory, located a few hundred meters from the ring road, was in any case largely mortgaged by the various traffic and noise restrictions. Last year, the site celebrated its 170th anniversary. Originally, it was a steam engine factory – bought by André Citroën in 1923. The site currently manufactures components “stamped and assembled”, and coins crimped, clinched or tapped.

“All employees will be offered a solution for reclassification within the group,” says the management, where for the last four years there has been a vast review of settlements and areas – to reduce the land bill . Secure external reclassification measures should also be put on the table. The activities, they should be spread over several other sites.

On the spot, the employees waited a long time for this kind of announcement. “We will be vigilant about the accompanying measures, it is necessary that each employee finds there an account”, warns Christine Virassamy, with the CFDT, which also demands that the activities which there remain remain within the bosom of the group.

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