Revision of Performance Projection for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2019

November 5, 2018

Revision of Performance Projection for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2019

Representative: Tomomi Nakamura, Representative Director, President and CEO
Code number: 7270 (First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Contact for inquiries: Katsuo Saito, Vice President
and General Manager of Administration Department
Phone: +81-3-6447-8825

Considering the current business trend, Subaru Corporation has announced the revision of performance projection for the fiscal year ending March 2019 which was released at the timing of consolidated financial results announcement on August 6, 2018.

1. Revision of consolidated basis performance projection for the fiscal year ending March 2019
 (from April 1 to March 31, 2019)

Net sales Operating Income Ordinary Income Net income
attributable to
owners of parent
Net Income
Per Share
Previous projection (A) Millions of yen
Millions of yen
Millions of yen
Millions of yen
Revised projection (B) 3,210,000 220,000 229,000 167,000 217.80
Increase and decrease (B-A) (40,000) (80,000) (76,000) (53,000)
Change of percentage (%) (1.2) (26.7) (24.9) (24.1)
Actual results of the first half of
the fiscal 2019 (ended
September 30, 2018)
3,232,695 379,447 379,934 220,354 287.40

Note: The Company has changed its accounting policies with effect from the first quarter of FYE 2019. Accordingly, the new policies have been retroactively applied to FYE 2018 results before carrying out year-on-year comparison and analysis of net sales figures.

2. Reasons for the Changes

Full-year forecasts for FYE 2019 are revised from the previous announcement made on August 6, 2018, to reflect factors including a decrease in consolidated unit sales and an increase in quality-related expenses.
Currency rate assumptions: 110 yen/US$, 130 yen/euro

3. Dividends

There is no revision of dividend forecast.

Note: Above mentioned projections are based on certain assumptions and our management’s judgment in light of currently available information, therefore actual results may differ from these projections.


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