Sixt shoots 158% profit until September by selling its stake in DriveNow

Posted 11/15/2018 11: 12: 54CET


The car rental company Sixt closed the first nine months of the year with a net attributable profit of 390.17 million euros, representing an increase of 158% compared to the same period of the previous year, according to data published by the company.

The German firm highlighted that this strong increase in its earnings so far this year is the result of the sale to BMW of its stake in the joint venture DriveNow, which reported a positive impact of 196 million euros.

Between January and September of this year, the German multinational accounted for a turnover of 2,219 million euros, which represents a progression of 13.3% compared to that period of the previous year.

Sixt posted an operating profit of 313.75 million euros in the first nine months of the current year, which represents an increase of 25% when compared with the data for that period of 2017.

In the third quarter, the car rental company recorded a net attributable profit of 116.14 million euros, 36% more, while its turnover was 874.58 million euros in that quarter, 17.3% plus.

Due to the good results recorded up to September, the company has revised upwards its forecasts for the close of 2018, so that it estimates strong increases in both its earnings and operating income, even without taking into account the extraordinary effects derived from the sale of the capital in DriveNow.

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