Gestamp and BHAP launches a joint venture in China with an investment of more than 50 million

Published 11/15/2018 11:12:00 CET


The Spanish manufacturer of components for automobiles Gestamp has launched, together with the Chinese Beijing Hainachuan Automotive (BHAP), a new joint venture in China that is dedicated to the design, development and production of high-engineering metal components, for that an investment of more than 50 million euros has been made, according to the company in a press release.

Gestamp said that this project allows to improve its strategic positioning in its support to clients such as Daimler or Hyundai in the cities of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, although it will also be able to work with other manufacturers in the rest of China.

During the opening of the new plant, the CEO of Gestamp, Francisco Riberas, said that this center strengthens the position of the firm in China with its BHAP partners and was fully committed to bringing the latest technologies to the Chinese market. with which to manufacture safer and lighter cars.

“This state-of-the-art plant, which we inaugurate today in Tianjin, seeks to further improve the quality of the product, including the latest innovations in hot stamping, and complements local suppliers with a product offering of great technological complexity”, underlined Riberas .

The new installation of Gestamp and BHAP, for which more than 50 million euros have been injected, has a workforce of more than 250 workers that will mainly focus on the stamping and assembly of bodies and parts. of chassis.

This plant has two hot stamping lines, as well as nine laser cells. With this center, Gestamp already has eleven production facilities in China and also two research and development centers.

Gestamp stressed that the opening of this factory shows its commitment to growth in China, the world’s leading car market, where it billed 736 million last year and has a workforce of more than 5,100 workers.

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