AEye Advisory Board Profile: Elliot Garbus

We sat down with each of our Advisory Board Members to ask them why they’re excited about working with AEye…

Elliot GarbusElliot Garbus is a strategy & management consultant working with startups, established companies, and Venture Capital firms. Elliot retired from Intel in May of 2017, where he was the Vice President and General Manager of the Transportation Solutions Division, responsible for delivering Intel’s vision for connected cars, autonomous driving, and intelligent transportation systems. Having worked directly with technology companies, automotive manufactures, and automotive suppliers, Mr. Garbus has a unique perspective on the coming disruptive transformation that will occur as self-driving vehicles become reality.

Q: What in your past experience ultimately drew you to the autonomous vehicle arena?

I was formerly the Vice President and General Manager of the Transportation Solutions Division at Intel. In that role, I had a front row seat as autonomous driving went from research to a race to commercialism.

The opportunity for autonomous vehicles excites me. The main reason is the positive social impact. Today there are about 1.3 million people that die every year from traffic accidents globally and an additional 50 million that are injured. Over 94% of collisions are caused by human error. I believe we have an opportunity to largely eliminate these fatalities and injuries, making the world a much better and much safer place.

Q: Why AEye?

AEye has a fantastic set of technologies that they’ve combined in a new way to deliver breakthroughs in perception. I’m also very impressed with the unique history of the leadership team. They have a tremendous amount of experience with LiDAR from their work in aerospace. It is unusual to find a start up in the United States with this kind of experience, and a team that has worked with LiDAR for decades.

Q: Where do you see ADAS solutions, autonomous vehicles, and/or artificial perception, heading within the next few years? The next decade? Beyond? How do you see AEye playing a pivotal role in this vision?

In biological evolution, when sight emerged, it led to a stunning acceleration of biological diversity. It’s my expectation that the integration of visual perception and computing, in the way that AEye is pioneering, will lead to a similar explosion of innovation across many industries. Ultimately, autonomous driving is going to change the way our cities are put together. It will change the way products are delivered. It will address congestion, air pollution, and will have a dramatic impact to the insurance and healthcare industries — all while making the future a better and brighter place.

Advisory Board Profile: Elliot Garbus —

Original Article

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