Trade dispute EU and US: Punitive duty on German cars? Juncker has “good news” for Trump

Juncker, Trump:


Juncker, Trump: “Good news for Donald Trump”

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker does not believe that US President Donald Trump will soon impose special tariffs on car imports from Europe. He has recently stated with satisfaction that nothing has changed in the relationship between the US and the EU since the standstill agreement agreed in July, Juncker said on Friday at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. He assumes that on the sidelines of the summit meeting, he will find an opportunity to reaffirm the commitments made on both sides.

Juncker also pointed out that he has good news for Trump. The United States has recently increased its liquefied gas exports to the EU by 52 percent. The US soya exports to the EU had even increased by 100 percent. “It clearly shows that we are sticking to our commitments,” said Juncker.

US soybean exports doubled, liquefied gas exports increased by 52 percent

The US trade dispute has erupted with the introduction of US tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, leading to the introduction of EU tariffs on US products.

The agreement reached between Trump and Juncker in July provides for conciliation that both sides start discussions on the abolition of tariffs on industrial goods and impose for the time being no new special duties. The EU also promised to improve the conditions for liquefied natural gas imports and to work to promote transatlantic soybean trade. In soybean trade, however, the current growth is mainly due to the comparatively low prices for US soybeans.

In the EU, it has been feared for some weeks now that Trump could soon terminate the deal by introducing high additional levies on car imports.

la / dpa / Reuters

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