Citroën says that government aid to electric companies is “biased” and defends the future of diesel

Posted 04/12/2018 12: 39: 33CET


The general director of Citroën for Spain and Portugal, Pablo Puey, has defended that the diesel is a fuel with a lot of future and has affirmed that the aid to the purchase for electric vehicles offered by the Government are “biased”.

In a meeting with the press at the PSA headquarters in Villaverde (Madrid), Puey said that it must “attack” the old vehicles with scrapping plans, as was the case with the old PIVE. “You have to attack the old vehicles, beyond passing biased aids to cars with little supply and that do not have a mature technology.The Spanish car park is 12 years old,” he stressed.

In this sense, the manager stressed that both the Executive and the automotive industry have the obligation to inform “better” customers, noting that the current diesel cars are “much greener” in levels of emissions and particles than old

“We think that diesel will continue to be an alternative for several years, but there is a European regulation that forces us to lower emissions and we will adapt.” PSA and Citroën have always had great strength in diesel, but we also made extraordinary gasoline engines and we will have to adapt to the times, “he said.

In this context of the transition of the automotive industry towards sustainable mobility, Puey has argued that by 2023 Citroën will offer 80% of its range with an electrified version and 100% by 2025. In addition, it has affirmed that the French automobile consortium works with platforms of multi-energy production and that is therefore prepared to manufacture electrical “at any time”.

“Multi-energy platforms allow us to adapt little by little to demand, yet the electric market is non-existent in Spain, and we will have to see when the situation arises so that it will grow and have sufficient infrastructures and stable incentives”, he added.

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