ACI: yet another growth in November for the used car mainly driven by diesel cars

ACI: yet another growth in November for the used car mainly driven by diesel cars


Sign even more in the month of November for the Italian market of second-hand cars, which with 268,452 transfers of ownership net of minivolture (temporary transfers in the name of the dealer pending resale to the end customer) has scored a progress of the 2.5% compared to the same month of 2017. For every 100 new cars in November, 182 second-hand and 157 in the first eleven months of the year were sold.

Once again, compared to the double-digit contraction of the first registrations of diesel cars (-28.8% in November compared to the same month of 2017, with an incidence on total sales down from 56.6% in November 2017 to 44.3% in November 2018), the second-hand market recorded an increase in the passage of ownership of diesel cars in November, which, with a monthly increase of 5.7%, bring the overall growth in the first eleven months of 2018 7.7%. The replacement of the current circulating fleet of about 16.900.000 diesel cars, increasingly penalized by the environmental policies undertaken by many local administrations, confirms therefore a problem to be faced as soon as possible, as repeatedly highlighted by the ACI.

On the other hand, the changes in ownership of motorcycles are back in negative territory in November, with a monthly balance showing a drop of 4.8% compared to November 2017, always net of minivolture.

Overall, in the period January-November 2018 there were increases of 5% for the four wheels and 3.3% for all vehicles, while the two wheels recorded a decrease of 2.2%.

The data are reported in the latest “Auto-Trend” monthly bulletin, the statistical analysis carried out by the Automobile Club d’Italia on the PRA data, available on the website

A positive result in November on the radiation front, which posted a monthly increase of 11.1% in the passenger car sector and 4.3% in the motorcycles sector. The unit fleet replacement rate in November was 0.84 (for every 100 cars registered, 84 were canceled) and 0.76 for the January-November 2018 period. The growth of the national vehicle fleet continues.

In the first eleven months of the year, the radiations recorded total increases of 7.4% for passenger cars, 9.4% for motorcycles and 7.6% for all vehicles.

Look at the tables (PDF file, 891 Kb)

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