Opel: “The electric Corsa will be a real Volks-Elektroauto”

The electric Corsa should make it: The 2018 bought by PSA automaker Opel want with electric cars regain its lost market share over the years. The E-Corsa, which will be available in the 2019 anniversary year, should contribute to this.

December 6, 2018, 6:20 pm,

Opel Corsa (Symbolbild): Schwarze Zahlen für 2018?

Opel Corsa (Symbol picture): Black numbers for 2018?
(Image: Opel)

The Opel Corsa should become the beetle of the electric age. This has announced Opel boss Michael Lohscheller. With the electric Corsa Opel wants to make the automobile company Volkswagen (VW) competition. The car is expected to be launched in 2019.

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2019 will be a jubilee year: 120 years ago, the Rüsselsheim cars began to build. This year, Opel wants to start a new chapter in the company’s history: “Opel becomes electric”, Lohscheller announced, “Now we deliver.”

That means the E-Corsa, the should not be on the market until 2020, can be ordered a few months earlier. With this model, Opel wants to make electromobility “affordable for a wide range of customers”, said Lohscheller. “This is going to be a real folk electric car.”

The cars are based on PSA platforms

By 2020, the SUV will follow Mokka X with electric drive and the e-van Vivaro. 2019 Opel also wants to bring out the SUV Grand Land X with hybrid drive. The vehicles will be based on platforms of Groupe PSA, The French automotive group, which includes the brands Citroën and Peugeot, Opel had taken over in August last year.

The electric strategy is part of the recovery plan Pace, which PSA had agreed with the Opel works council. But that also included massive savings. Among other things, 3,700 of the more than 18,000 jobs were cut. For Opel in the financial year 2018 could close with a profit – according to the former owner General Motors for the first time in nearly 20 years. The manufacturer had lost market share for years.

By 2024, Opel wants to electrify its entire product range. Thus, the manufacturer will also comply with the environmental requirements of the European Union, said Lohscheller. “We will create the CO2 barrier.” From the coming decade, EU car manufacturers will only be able to emit a maximum of 95 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer driven through their fleet. If they can not do that, they will face fines.

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