Startup Byton will start marketing in 2019

The Chinese startup and Tesla challenger Byton will start marketing the M-Byte SUV in 2019.

Some companies, not least those from China, have Tesla challenged in the market with electric cars. Not all succeeded and is a prominent example of a temporary failed challenge Faraday Future, The Chinese startup Byton also relies on e-cars, which also have a certain degree of automation.

The vehicle M-Byte should be manufactured from April 2019 and come later on the market. The sale in China, the United States and Europe should be done after the next summer. Currently, the first models of M-Byte are still being tested in China. There are 30 pieces around and by the end of the year it should be in about 100 models.

Production in China is well on its way. The work in Nanjing should be completed later this year and start production.

The model M-Byte should not only be driven electrically, but also have partial autonomy. Specifically, you want to get started at level 3. This means that travelers usually have to be careful, but there are situations where you can do other things. When to switch to high autonomy (Level 4) is still unclear.

The real business should not be the sale of cars, but the after-sales market. Specifically, the networking and provision of content in the car – especially if you do not drive. The other manufacturers also see that, because the margin selling cars is small compared to the IT industry.

But also Tesla makes progress and has new updates and one AI chip announced. With it one wants to aim likewise a higher automation.


About David Flora

I’ve been writing about the topic of Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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