GM: Data management patented by blockchain

Vehicle manufacturer General Motors (GM) plans to use the blockchain to manage the data of automated vehicles.

The US carmaker General Motors has filed a new patent claiming the use of the Block chain technology goes. This is how you want to manage the accumulated data in autonomous driving.

GM auf Blockchain-Vernetzung

GM on block chain networking. Source:

The patent was filed in May 2017 and published last week by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The content concerns a system for the security and stability of data management between autonomous vehicles and other vehicles. Other vehicles means Teilautonome- or manual vehicles, In addition, it implies access to and from databases such as those of communities and authorities.

There is a simple reason for using Blockchain. It allows management with decentralized mediation and, whether data security, it is without limitation privacy trusting. The patented process will therefore carry out the information exchange via the Blockchain.

This implies not only infotainment, but also resource analysis and legally binding issues, such as numbers. In concrete terms, the blockchain administration is intended to handle navigation, loading and refueling data, vehicle permits and licenses, as well as payment transactions. The latter implies the road toll, the parking fee or services like the car wash.

It also communicates with the travelers, who should then receive approved, verified and location-related data. And the data flow also goes out of the car via the blockchain, which implies the driving behavior, the actions of the car, the fidelity to the traffic law and possible mistakes.

General Motors has been a member since this summer Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI), which also includes BMW, Bosch, Ford, IBM, IOTA with Volkswagen and other companies.

source (English)

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about the topic of Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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