Iserlohn plans to purchase automated shuttle buses

Iserlohn in North Rhine-Westphalia considers the purchase of an autonomous minibus for the route to the University of Applied Sciences.

Another local community in Germany plans to acquire an autonomous e-shuttle: Iserlohn in North Rhine-Westphalia, The project will be carried out in cooperation with e.GO at the University of Aachen respectively.

Autonomes Shuttle DB Berlin

Autonomous E-Shuttle in Berlin

The application of the shuttle should be on the test track between the station and the University of Applied Sciences of the city Iserlohn lie and make one and a half kilometers. On the route is mainly cycling and walking. The traffic is limited.

Nevertheless, the route is a challenge for autonomous driving, because next to Weather events, as snow or fog, it also comes to game. The path is mainly used by students and it goes uphill. The autonomous shuttle service will then replace the previous, diesel-powered bus.

The plan is to have up to four shuttle buses on the way at the end of the test phase. But you will not start with all four vehicles. Later, the buses could be used in the wider urban area and thus supplement the public transport.

The test project is part of the application as Smart City. It should start next year and run for three years. Three million euros are to be provided for this purpose. The shuttles should be the e-mobility specialist deliver and they should get the name “a-BUS”.

At the beginning of the bus to sit still travelers and the rides are to serve the measurement of the route. Subsequently, the vehicle should be able to drive independently. It should continue to give a supervisor on board. In addition, you want to start an app with which you can order the bus. The further procedure depends on the cost development, the acceptance and the abilities of the buses.


About David Flora

I’ve been writing about the topic of Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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